Rolling Dice

You can roll dice with Smiley.

Basic rolling#

The basic rolling syntax is %roll <N>d<S> [Comment], where <N> (1-50) is the number of dice to roll, <S> (1-1000) is the number of sides each die has, and [Comment] is an optional comment for the roll that doesn't affect the result. Smiley will roll a random number for every die, equally weighted, and will also display the total sum of results. If you leave the number of dice out, Smiley will assume you want one.


%roll d6
%roll 1d6 Social roll
%roll 4d20
%roll 3d6


Any dice roll can have +<C> or -<C> to add or subtract a constant from the final sum.

If this constant should instead be added to each individual die, you can add an exclamation point.


%roll 4d20-2
%roll 3d6+10 Money
%roll 4d12-1!

Highest and lowest#

If, instead of summing the dice results, you want to choose the highest or lowest roll, you can use %roll <N>h<S> or %roll <N>l<S>.


%roll 2h20
%roll 3l6+1

A bunch of dice#

You can repeat the full roll by adding x<T> where <T> (1-10) is the number of times to repeat the rolls.


%roll 2h20x5
%roll 3l6+1x8
Last updated on by Nick